Exciting news!! Our in-person workshop of the year will be on May 3, 2024. Please save the date to attend this workshop. Location will be in the IGI Building and the theme will continue to be on live-cell analysis. Register Here!
All News
February 28, 2024
March 30, 2023
Exciting news!! The first in-person workshop of the year will be on May 4, 2023 in the Innovative Genomics Institute Building (IGIB) 1st Floor Conference room from 9 AM - 2:30 PM. There will be lunch and amazing opportunities to further discuss research collaboration with Agilent. The theme and topic of discussion will be live cell analysis. Please register using the link on the main page.
October 26, 2022
1. Lydia Sohn - Label-Free, Real-Time Monitoring of Cells Using Mechano-Node-Pore Sensing
2. Jason Ryder - Workflow to Select Scale-Up Ready Cell Lines for Biopharmaceutical Protein Manufacturing
May 17, 2022
The official Call for Proposals for the Program Year '22 has been announced and sent to the May 4th workshop attendees.
April 18, 2022
The First Annual Workshop of Program Year '22 will be on May 4, 2022: Analytical Technologies in Biomanufacturing and Bioprocess Development
February 11, 2022
A 3-year award was awarded to Professor Kevin Healy and Professor Christopher Chang to support the project titled “Live Cell Imaging of ROS Activation and Subsequent Fibrosis in Cardiac Muscle”.
December 8, 2021
The second workshop, will primarily feature Berkeley speakers, where new award winners will be announced and all awardees will have an opportunity to present their projects. Any new research focus for the following year will also be announced.
October 8, 2021
The second workshop, will be held December 8, 2021, will primarily feature Berkeley speakers, where new award winners will be announced and all awardees will have an opportunity to present their projects. Any new research focus for the following year will also be announced. Register here!